23 January 2017

Words to Live by….

Fruitful and fulfilling work is what separates man from the beast ….

Today will be great if…

  1. Monday traffic won’t be bad so I’ll be in the office on time.
  2. I can finish reviewing the PTR.
  3. I can do more posts.

State of mind ….

  1. Musical Note Emoji (Symbola Version)If a promise ain’t enough
    Then a touch says everything
    Got to hold you in my arms
    Till you feel what I mean
    Know that my heart just tells me what to say
    But words can only prove so much
    If a promise ain’t enough. Musical Note Emoji (Symbola Version) Promises Ain’t Enough by Hall and Oattes
  2. Overslept 😦 🙂
  3. Movie

Today was simply amazing because ….. 

  1. I am feeling better…. the stuffiness of my right ear has been lessened, I am not so dizzy but I still can’t hear on my right ear.
  2. I finished that report requested by the boss.
  3. I finished reviewing the PTR and it looks good 🙂


  1. I didn’t have to take that antihistamine, I would not have overslept 😦
  2. I would have the time and funds to get the car problem fixed soon.
  3. I can accompany OS soon so he can resume his studies for his preferred course.

Grateful for …..

  1. My functioning left ear…. I’m just partially disabled 🙂
  2. The silvanas of the famous Sans Rival and Silvanas of Dumagete City given by a client and distributed in the office 🙂
  3. OS rubbing oil again on my back…. my boy has some healing hands that I felt good afterwards 🙂

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